On GPUs, ranges, latency, and superoptimisers

Not long ago, I put together a small library that provides an interface similar to the range-v3 library and uses CUDA to execute all operations on GPUs. I’ve implemented the basics: map, filter, reduce operations, just enough to serve as a proof of concept. In essence, it is quite similar to Thrust; just the interface is different, based on ranges instead of iterators. As one would expect, the initial implementation wasn’t heavily optimised, but the time has come to improve the performance. This was an excellent opportunity to look more closely at the architecture of modern GPUs – Turing in this case.

Firstly, let’s have a look at a rather straightforward pipeline that sums integers in an array that already exists in the GPU memory.

ranges_gpu::buffer_pool pool{4};

void sum_i32_array(benchmark::State& s) {
  auto array = ranges_gpu::view::iota(0, int(s.range(0)))
             | ranges_gpu::action::to_gpu();
  for (auto _ : s) {
    auto value = array
               | ranges_gpu::action::reduce(0,
                   [] __device__(auto a, auto b) { return a + b; },

It is worth noting that this code is taking advantage of a buffer_pool and a pool_allocator. The reduce operation needs to allocate a temporary buffer to store intermediate results. cudaMalloc can be quite expensive, and for large buffers, I saw it dominate the cost of reducing the array. buffer_pool keeps around the specified number of buffers so that subsequent operations can reuse them without additional cudaMalloc and cudaFree calls. It is a quite simplistic solution, and can easily lead to out of memory if one is not careful, but is good enough for our purposes.

In general, a range consumed by action::reduce can either be of a known or unknown size. The latter happens, for example, if the pipeline contains a filtering stage view::filter, and essentially forces the reduce to work with an equivalent of std::optional<T> instead of T. It is not a significant complication, but for the sake of simplicity, we will look at the case where the size of the range is known at the kernel launch.

template<typename V, typename T, typename F>
__global__ void do_reduce(size_t total_size, V in, T init, F fn, T* out) {
  auto id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  if (id < total_size) { out[id] = in[id]; }
  auto tid = threadIdx.x;
  auto stride = blockDim.x / 2;
  while (stride) {
    if (tid < stride && id + stride < total_size) {
      out[id] = fn(out[id], out[id + stride]);
    stride /= 2;
  if (id == 0) { out[0] = fn(out[0], init); }

template<typename T, typename F>
__global__ void do_reduce_blocks(size_t total_size, size_t step, F fn, T* out) {
  auto id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  auto tid = threadIdx.x;
  auto stride = blockDim.x / 2;
  while (stride) {
    if (tid < stride && (id + stride) * step < total_size) {
      out[id * step] = fn(out[id * step], out[(id + stride) * step]);
    stride /= 2;

Our starting point is a somewhat naive implementation of reduce that uses two different kernels and a lot of global memory accesses. First, we launch do_reduce with as many threads as there are elements in the input range in. The kernel evaluates each element, and then each thread block reduces elements owned by its threads. For an input range of size n at the end of this kernel, we end up with ceil(n / blockDim.x) elements. Then, do_reduce_blocks kernel is launched as many times as necessary, each time reducing a block worth of values.

The algorithm reduces a range a thread block is responsible for in a logarithmic number of steps. At each step, there is a stride of active threads (starting with stride = blockDim.x / 2) and each thread applying the binary operation fn to elements at positions threadIdx.x and threadIdx.x + stride. stride in each step is half of the stride of the previous step. Steps are separated by __syncthreads() to synchronise all threads in a block properly. At any time the threads in a block can be partitioned into two groups: those with the index less than the current stride which still are doing useful work and the rest. This arrangement minimises the thread divergence inside warps.

It is time to check what code nvcc generates for Turing GPU architecture. The main reduce loop in do_reduce looks as follows.

0x00000110  --:-:-:Y:1       IMAD.IADD R5, R0, 0x1, R7
0x00000120  --:-:-:Y:5       BAR.SYNC 0x0
0x00000130  --:-:-:Y:1       ISETP.GE.U32.AND P0, PT, R5, c[0x0][0x160], PT
0x00000140  --:-:-:Y:3       BSSY B0, 0x210
0x00000150  --:-:-:-:4       ISETP.GE.U32.AND.EX P0, PT, RZ, c[0x0][0x164], PT, P0
0x00000160  --:-:-:Y:2       ISETP.GE.U32.OR P0, PT, R8, R7, P0
0x00000170  --:-:-:-:4       SHF.R.U32.HI R7, RZ, 0x1, R7
0x00000180  --:-:-:-:6       ISETP.NE.AND P1, PT, R7, RZ, PT
0x00000190  01:-:-:Y:6   @P0 BRA 0x200
0x000001a0  --:-:-:Y:1       LEA R4, P0, R5, c[0x0][0x180], 0x2
0x000001b0  --:-:2:Y:3       LDG.E.SYS R6, [R2]
0x000001c0  --:-:-:-:8       LEA.HI.X R5, R5, c[0x0][0x184], RZ, 0x2, P0
0x000001d0  --:-:2:Y:2       LDG.E.SYS R5, [R4]
0x000001e0  04:-:-:-:8       IMAD.IADD R9, R6, 0x1, R5
0x000001f0  --:0:-:Y:2       STG.E.SYS [R2], R9
0x00000200  --:-:-:Y:5       BSYNC B0
0x00000210  --:-:-:Y:5   @P1 BRA 0x110

Wmsk:Rd:Wr:Y:S before each instruction is control information. Turing, not unlike its predecessors, relies rather heavily on the compiler making the scheduling decisions and taking care of the dependencies between instructions. The meaning of the fields is as follows:

When it comes to registers Turing ISA offers us:

Each instruction can be predicated. Operands can be registers, immediate values, global or shared memory locations, constant memory locations (c[x][y]), etc. 64-bit values are usually handled by emitting two special variants of the instruction that operate on the lower and higher 32-bits and use predicate register to carry additional information between them (similar to x86 add and adc). Some of the opcodes are:

That should be enough information to understand the code generated by the NVCC. One thing that stands out is the number of “auxiliary” instructions (computing memory addresses and comparisons) relative to the instructions that do the “real” work: memory loads, addition, and store. We will look into improving that situation later.

Let’s see how this code performs: 1

Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_array/33554432/real_time        1707 us       1705 us        410
sum_i32_array/67108864/real_time        3389 us       3385 us        205
sum_i32_array/268435456/real_time      13586 us      13572 us         51
sum_i32_array/536870912/real_time      27416 us      27387 us         25

Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
  360  27.893ms  27.560ms  35.361ms  do_reduce
  720  152.80us  3.0080us  347.85us  do_reduce_blocks

Nsight Compute generally says that when executing do_reduce kernel the GPU is mostly busy not doing anything.

Section: GPU Speed Of Light
Memory Frequency           cycle/nsecond    1.70
SOL FB                                 %   28.87
Elapsed Cycles                     48,179,750.00
SM Frequency               cycle/nsecond    1.41
Memory [%]                             %   28.87
Duration                         msecond   34.26
Waves Per SM                           14,563.56
SOL L2                                 %   13.71
SOL TEX                                %    8.89
SM Active Cycles                   45,551,767.42
SM [%]                                 %   37.28

Section: Memory Workload Analysis
Memory Throughput           Gbyte/second  125.39
Mem Busy                               %   13.71
Max Bandwidth                          %   28.87
L2 Hit Rate                            %   66.83
Mem Pipes Busy                         %   21.28
L1 Hit Rate                            %   60.37

Section: Warp State Statistics
Avg. Not Predicated Off Threads Per Warp   31.08
Avg. Active Threads Per Warp               31.79
Warp Cycles Per Executed Instruction       22.05
Warp Cycles Per Issued Instruction         22.05
Warp Cycles Per Issue Active               22.05
Stall Barrier                       inst    7.07
Stall Long Scoreboard               inst    4.63
Stall Wait                          inst    2.85

Those results aren’t very surprising. GPUs rely on high concurrency to hide latencies, and reduce due to its very nature operation, starts with a considerable number of threads, but ends with very few doing useful work. The fact that we have a lot of global memory accesses and block-wide synchronisation barriers is not helping either. It is reflected in the warp state statistics section, which shows that two primary sources of stalls are barriers and “long scoreboard stalls”, i.e. L1TEX cache accesses.

If we look again at the main reduce loops, we see that every iteration halves the number of threads still doing useful work, but the others still need to keep executing many instructions. Those are wasted cycles, which, end up increasing the synchronisation barrier latency, since the “still-useful” warps need to wait for all the “useless” warps in a block. The easiest way to solve this problem is to exit threads early, as soon as there’s nothing else for them to do. Unfortunately, there appears to be some confusion as to whether this is allowed in the presence of __syncthreads(). The CUDA Programming Guide states that __syncthreads() waits for all threads in a block to reach the barrier, and horrors await those who let those threads diverge. The compatibility section says, however, that since Compute Capability 7.x (i.e. Volta and introduction of Independent Thread Scheduling) the __syncthreads() requirements are enforced more strictly and all non-exited threads must reach the barrier for it to succeed. In addition to that, the PTX documentation clearly states, that bar.sync an instruction to which __syncthreads() is usually (if not always) compiled takes only non-exited threads. In other words, according to the official specifications, it should be perfectly safe to use bar.sync with exited threads, but not necessarily __syncthreads(). I am going to keep using __syncthreads() in this article, though.

The second issue, excessive L1TEX stalls, is simpler to solve. Since we know precisely how our access pattern is going to look like, we can use shared memory and effectively manually manage cached data. If we assume the block size of 1024 threads and T being an integer, we can create a shared memory array and use it to store the intermediate values. The way we already have arranged threads and the values they are responsible ensures there won’t be any bank conflicts. Unfortunately, this won’t work if the size of T makes the array larger than the available shared memory or even big enough to reduce the occupancy on the Streaming Multiprocessor. In such case, the options are to either reduce the block size and either use dynamic shared memory or C++ template metaprogramming to decide on the size of the array or to stop using shared memory and rely on the cache entirely.

With the synchronisation and memory improvements, and assuming 1024-thread blocks and small T the kernel looks like this:

template<typename V, typename T, typename F>
__global__ auto do_reduce(size_t total_size, V in, T init, F fn, T* out) -> void {
  auto id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  if (id >= total_size) { return; }
  auto tid = threadIdx.x;

  __shared__ T tmp[1024];
  tmp[tid] = in[id];

  auto stride = blockDim.x / 2;
  while (stride) {
    __syncthreads(); // bar.sync
    if (tid >= stride) { return; }
    if (id + stride < total_size) { tmp[tid] = fn(tmp[tid], tmp[tid + stride]); }
    stride /= 2;
  if (id == 0) {
    out[0] = fn(tmp[0], init);
  } else if (tid == 0) {
    out[id] = tmp[0];

Let’s see the numbers:

Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_array/33554432/real_time        1212 us       1211 us        575
sum_i32_array/67108864/real_time        2418 us       2415 us        290
sum_i32_array/268435456/real_time       9699 us       9689 us         70
sum_i32_array/536870912/real_time      19377 us      19357 us         35

Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
  451  20.376ms  20.064ms  26.792ms  do_reduce
  902  148.25us  3.0080us  339.02us  do_reduce_blocks

That’s a nice improvement. Nsight Compute report shows us how things have changed:

Section: GPU Speed Of Light
Memory Frequency           cycle/nsecond    1.70
SOL FB                                 %   20.63
Elapsed Cycles                     34,099,309.00
SM Frequency               cycle/nsecond    1.41
Memory [%]                             %   20.63
Duration                         msecond   24.20
Waves Per SM                           14,563.56
SOL L2                                 %   10.92
SM Active Cycles                   31,465,879.06
SM [%]                                 %   17.61

Section: Memory Workload Analysis
Memory Throughput           Gbyte/second   89.55
Mem Busy                               %   10.09
Max Bandwidth                          %   20.63
L2 Hit Rate                            %    0.78
Mem Pipes Busy                         %   17.61
L1 Hit Rate                            %       0

Section: Memory Workload Analysis Chart
dram__bytes_read.sum               Gbyte    2.15
dram__bytes_write.sum              Mbyte   19.32

Section: Warp State Statistics
Avg. Active Threads Per Warp               30.31
Warp Cycles Per Executed Instruction       25.15
Stall Long Scoreboard               inst   12.56
Stall Wait                          inst    4.51
Stall Barrier                       inst    2.93

The latency is still an issue, but now the main contributor to it are long scoreboard stalls, i.e. L1TEX operations. “Stall Wait” represents stalls caused by the stall cycle field in instructions control words and suggest insufficient instruction-level parallelism on the compute side of things. The memory throughput has dropped compared for the original kernel, but that’s okay since we are now not using global memory for intermediate values. That is confirmed by the dram__bytes_read.sum metric, as the kernel reads only 2GB of data which is exactly the size in bytes of the input range.

What that report essentially shows us is that we are bottlenecked on the memory latency without being nowhere near the maximum memory throughput. Since the input data is a contiguous array, and we know the memory locations that we need to read well ahead of time, our goal is to get as close to the maximum memory throughput as possible.

Let’s check the kernel SASS code annotated with the stall information.

SASS with stalls

As the summary said, the main problem is a stall caused by global memory load: STS (shared memory store) instruction in line 16 is stalled, and its source register is the destination register of a global memory load in line 12.

What we can do is to read more, preferably, read more without adding more instructions so that we minimise cache hit latency. Fortunately, there’s LDG.E.128 instruction that reads 4 32-bit values. It’s not always trivial to convince NVCC to emit it but using int4 (or float4) types tends to do the trick. The thing worth to note here is that if each thread reads four values, it will need to merge them slightly reducing overall parallelism. That’s perfectly fine if the merge operation is something very cheap like an addition but may not be so for more expensive ones.

Since the reduce operation discussed here is a part of a ranges library that can handle pipelines with multiple transformation and filtering stage, we need a quite general way of allowing loading multiple values from memory at once. The load of N elements can be implemented as follows.

template<size_t N, typename T> struct vector { T elements[N]; };

template<size_t N, typename T> __device__ ::ranges_gpu::detail::vector<N, T> load(T const* ptr, unsigned idx) {
  auto vec = ::ranges_gpu::detail::vector<N, T>{};
  ptr += idx;
  for (auto i = 0u; i < N; i++) { vec.elements[i] = ptr[i]; }
  return vec;

template<> __device__ ::ranges_gpu::detail::vector<4, int> load<4, int>(int const* ptr, unsigned idx) {
  auto val = *reinterpret_cast<int4 const*>(ptr + idx);
  return {val.x, val.y, val.z, val.w};

Now, provided that all intermediate stages are adjusted to be able to work with multiple values, by adding a get_vector<N>() member function to them we can change our do_reduce kernel to the following implementation.

template<unsigned N, typename V, typename T, typename F>
__global__ auto do_reduce(size_t total_size, V in, T init, F fn, T* out) -> void {
  auto id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  auto tid = threadIdx.x;

  if (id * N >= total_size) { return; }

  __shared__ T tmp[1024];

  if (id * N + N - 1 < total_size) {
    auto v = in.get_vector<N>(id * N);
    auto val = v.elements[0];
    // FIXME: won't be able to parallelise this for floats
    for (auto i = 1; i < N; i++) { val = fn(val, v.elements[i]); }
    tmp[tid] = val;
  } else {
    /* slow path */
    auto val = in[id * N];
    for (auto i = 1; i < N && id * N + i < total_size; i++) {
      val = fn(val, in[id * N + i]);
    tmp[tid] = val;

  auto stride = blockDim.x / 2;
  while (stride) {
    __syncthreads(); // bar.sync
    if (tid >= stride) { return; }
    if ((id + stride) * N < total_size) { tmp[tid] = fn(tmp[tid], tmp[tid + stride]); }
    stride /= 2;
  if (id == 0) {
    out[0] = fn(tmp[0], init);
  } else if (tid == 0) {
    out[id * N] = tmp[0];

The main reducing loop remains mostly unchanged, but the kernel starts with reading N values and merging them. We can verify that NVCC, indeed, chooses to emit LDG.E.128 (with N=4).

0x00000270  --:-:2:Y:2       LDG.E.128.SYS R4, [R4]
0x00000280  04:-:-:-:5       IADD3 R6, R6, R5, R4
0x00000290  --:-:-:-:8       IMAD.IADD R6, R7, 0x1, R6
0x000002a0  --:0:-:Y:2       STS [R9], R6

An additional, minor, bonus here is that since we are now reducing four values instead of just two, the compiler can take advantage of IADD3 instruction that adds three integers, increasing compute throughput.

Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_array/33554432/real_time         389 us        389 us       1796
sum_i32_array/67108864/real_time         761 us        760 us        909
sum_i32_array/268435456/real_time       3009 us       3006 us        231
sum_i32_array/536870912/real_time       6076 us       6070 us        108

Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 1180  6.3046ms  6.2535ms  8.2248ms  do_reduce
 2360  34.098us  1.9200us  79.266us  do_reduce_blocks

That’s a significant improvement. We have gone in the right direction. Let’s see how the memory situation looks like in the Nsight report.

Section: GPU Speed Of Light
Memory Frequency           cycle/nsecond    1.70
SOL FB                                 %   65.90
Elapsed Cycles                     10,589,798.00
SM Frequency               cycle/nsecond    1.41
Memory [%]                             %   65.90
Duration                         msecond    7.53
Waves Per SM                            3,640.89
SOL L2                                 %   20.72
SOL TEX                                %   18.79
SM Active Cycles                    9,921,488.11
SM [%]                                 %   16.17

Section: Memory Workload Analysis
Memory Throughput           Gbyte/second  286.19
Mem Busy                               %   20.72
Max Bandwidth                          %   65.90
L2 Hit Rate                            %    0.20
Mem Pipes Busy                         %   14.17
L1 Hit Rate                            %       0

Section: Memory Workload Analysis Chart
dram__bytes_read.sum               Gbyte    2.15
dram__bytes_write.sum              Mbyte    6.67

Much better, but still not there. 66% of maximum throughput definitely can be improved. We can go further and read even more at the beginning of each thread. Let’s see what happens if we change the code to use two LDG.E.128 loads and merge eight values in the initial step.

// N = 8
auto idN = id * N;
auto v = in.get_vector<N / 2>(idN);
auto v2 = in.get_vector<N / 2>(idN + N / 2);
auto val = v.elements[0];
auto val2 = v2.elements[0];
// FIXME: won't be able to parallelise this for floats
for (auto i = 1; i < N / 2; i++) { val = fn(val, v.elements[i]); }
for (auto i = 1; i < N / 2; i++) { val2 = fn(val2, v2.elements[i]); }
tmp[tid] = fn(val, val2);

The improvement is much smaller than before but still noticeable.

Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_array/33554432/real_time         346 us        345 us       2023
sum_i32_array/67108864/real_time         674 us        674 us       1019
sum_i32_array/268435456/real_time       2661 us       2658 us        259
sum_i32_array/536870912/real_time       5352 us       5347 us        121

Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 1400  5.2248ms  5.2036ms  6.3349ms  do_reduce
 2800  22.134us  1.6960us  50.018us  do_reduce_blocks

Nsight report says that we are at 92% of memory throughput. Since we are reading the input array exactly once, that’s it when it comes to what we can do. True, perhaps the input data could be compressed, or we could spend more time trying to figure out where the missing 8% went, but at this point, for a code which purpose is to take an input range and reduce it, it is undoubtedly well optimised.

Section: GPU Speed Of Light
Memory Frequency           cycle/nsecond    1.69
SOL FB                                 %   92.96
Elapsed Cycles                      7,510,548.00
SM Frequency               cycle/nsecond    1.40
Memory [%]                             %   92.96
Duration                         msecond    5.35
Waves Per SM                            1,820.44
SOL L2                                 %   29.16
SOL TEX                                %   26.09
SM Active Cycles                    7,146,099.69
SM [%]                                 %   12.17

Section: Memory Workload Analysis
Memory Throughput           Gbyte/second  402.29
Mem Busy                               %   29.16
Max Bandwidth                          %   92.96
L2 Hit Rate                            %    0.10
Mem Pipes Busy                         %   11.54
L1 Hit Rate                            %   49.98

Section: Memory Workload Analysis Chart
dram__bytes_read.sum               Gbyte    2.15
dram__bytes_write.sum              Mbyte    4.66

While we’ve reached the device memory limits, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing left for us to play with. Let’s consider input ranges that are not read from memory but generated as we go.

void sum_i32_iota(benchmark::State& s) {
  int bound = s.range(0);
  for (auto _ : s) {
    auto value = ranges_gpu::view::iota(0, bound)
               | ranges_gpu::action::reduce(0,
                   [] __device__(auto a, auto b) { return a + b; },

Our starting point, after all the optimisations we have done so far, is this:

Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_iota/33554432/real_time          145 us        144 us       3811
sum_i32_iota/67108864/real_time          265 us        265 us       2638
sum_i32_iota/268435456/real_time        1006 us       1004 us        696
sum_i32_iota/536870912/real_time        2025 us       2023 us        346

Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 4254  2.1628ms  2.1368ms  2.8474ms  do_reduce
 8508  26.552us  1.7280us  54.082us  do_reduce_blocks

As expected, that’s faster than when the range was in memory but not as fast as it can get. Unsurprisingly, the latency is still the main problem, so let’s have a look at the annotated SASS.

SASS for iota

The block synchronisation stall has made a comeback. There’s also a short scoreboard, i.e. shared memory latency stall and stalls forced by control information in multiple instructions. The good thing is that we can help with all of those issues.

if (blockDim.x == 1024 && (blockIdx.x + 1) * blockDim.x * N <= total_size) {
  auto v = in.get_vector<N / 2>(id * N);
  auto v2 = in.get_vector<N / 2>(id * N + N / 2);
  auto val = v.elements[0];
  auto val2 = v2.elements[0];
  // FIXME: won't be able to parallelise this for floats
  for (auto i = 1; i < N / 2; i++) { val = fn(val, v.elements[i]); }
  for (auto i = 1; i < N / 2; i++) { val2 = fn(val2, v2.elements[i]); }

  val = fn(val, val2);
  tmp[tid] = val;

  auto stride = 512;
  while (stride >= 32) {
    __syncthreads(); // bar.sync
    if (tid >= stride) { return; }
    val = fn(val, tmp[tid + stride]);
    stride /= 2;
    tmp[tid] = val;


  while (stride) {
    val2 = __shfl_down_sync(FULL_MASK, val, stride);
    val = fn(val, val2);
    stride /= 2;

  if (tid == 0) { tmp[0] = val; }
} else {
  /* slow block */

The performance improvement is quite significant.

Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_iota/33554432/real_time           89 us         89 us       6170
sum_i32_iota/67108864/real_time          160 us        160 us       4378
sum_i32_iota/268435456/real_time         603 us        602 us       1162
sum_i32_iota/536870912/real_time        1222 us       1220 us        573

Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 6025  1.3572ms  1.3409ms  1.7726ms  do_reduce
12050  26.574us  1.7280us  54.017us  do_reduce_blocks

Unrolled SASS

Both loops are now nicely unrolled, but the latency is still a problem. Two main contributors are fixed-latency instructions and block synchronisation. We can also see that the latency of lane shuffle, even if not the most significant issue at the moment, is likely to cause trouble soon.

Section: GPU Speed Of Light
Memory Frequency           cycle/nsecond    1.69
SOL FB                                 %    0.38
Elapsed Cycles                      2,138,690.00
SM Frequency               cycle/nsecond    1.41
Memory [%]                             %   12.95
Duration                         msecond    1.52
Waves Per SM                            1,820.44
SOL L2                                 %    0.20
SOL TEX                                %   15.29
SM Active Cycles                   c1,810,219.44
SM [%]                                 %   27.69

Section: Warp State Statistics
Avg. Active Threads Per Warp               31.86
Warp Cycles Per Executed Instruction       12.84
Stall Wait                          inst    3.30
Stall Barrier                       inst    2.58
Stall Not Selected                  inst    2.07

The synchronisation barrier latency penalty can be dealt with by reducing the number of __syncthreads() calls by reducing four, instead of two values per each iteration of the loop. It also turns out that we can squeeze some more performance by rearranging the C++ code in a way that would make NVCC generate better code. That includes simplifying the condition check for the slow path and making sure that fast path doesn’t require a branch, not sharing the exit code so that it can be optimised more heavily, exiting threads before a call to __syncthreads().

template<unsigned N, typename V, typename T, typename F>
__global__ auto do_reduce(size_t total_size, V in, T init, F fn, T* out) -> void {
  auto tid = threadIdx.x;

  __shared__ T tmp[1024];

  if (!(blockDim.x == 1024 && (blockIdx.x + 1) * 1024 * N <= total_size)) {
    /* slow path */
  auto id = blockIdx.x * 1024 + threadIdx.x;

  auto v = in.get_vector<N / 2>(id * N);
  auto v2 = in.get_vector<N / 2>(id * N + N / 2);
  auto val = v.elements[0];
  auto val2 = v2.elements[0];
  // FIXME: floats won't be able to parallelise this
  for (auto i = 1; i < N / 2; i++) { val = fn(val, v.elements[i]); }
  for (auto i = 1; i < N / 2; i++) { val2 = fn(val2, v2.elements[i]); }

  val = fn(val, val2);

  auto stride = 256;
  while (stride >= 16) {
    tmp[tid] = val;
    if (tid >= stride) { return; }
    __syncthreads(); // bar.sync
    val = fn(fn(val, tmp[tid + stride]), fn(tmp[tid + stride * 2], tmp[tid + stride * 3]));
    stride /= 4;

  if (tid >= 16) { return; }

  stride *= 2;
  while (stride) {
    val2 = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff, val, stride);
    val = fn(val, val2);
    stride /= 2;

  if (tid != 0) { return; }

  if (id == 0) {
    val = fn(val, init);
  out[id * N] = val;
Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_iota/33554432/real_time           73 us         73 us       7393
sum_i32_iota/67108864/real_time          127 us        127 us       5513
sum_i32_iota/268435456/real_time         471 us        471 us       1485
sum_i32_iota/536870912/real_time         960 us        958 us        729

That’s better, but we are not done yet. As we’ve seen earlier, the lane shuffle latency is big enough to show up in the profile. The reason for that is that the latency of SHFL.DOWN appears to be 23 cycles and the warp-level reduce part of the code is just a chain of dependent shuffles and addition with no parallelism whatsoever. We could try to improve this code ourselves (more concurrent shuffles and additions seems like a good place to start), but let’s make things more interesting and use a superoptimiser for this.

0x000002f0  01:-:0:Y:2       SHFL.DOWN PT, R4, R3, 0x8, 0x1f
0x00000300  01:-:-:-:8       IMAD.IADD R4, R3, 0x1, R4
0x00000310  --:-:0:Y:2       SHFL.DOWN PT, R5, R4, 0x4, 0x1f
0x00000320  01:-:-:-:8       IMAD.IADD R5, R4, 0x1, R5
0x00000330  --:-:0:Y:2       SHFL.DOWN PT, R6, R5, 0x2, 0x1f
0x00000340  01:-:-:-:8       IMAD.IADD R6, R5, 0x1, R6
0x00000350  --:0:1:Y:1       SHFL.DOWN PT, R7, R6, 0x1, 0x1f

A superoptimizer is a tool that, given a piece of code, attempts to find an optimal equivalent program. I’ve been playing around with my toy superoptimiser, which uses a stochastic approach. The general idea is that it mutates the current candidate program and then assigns it a score based on the correctness and the performance. If the score of the new candidate is better than the current one, it is always accepted. If the score is worse, the new candidate is randomly accepted with a probability depending on how much worse the new score is. This ensures that the superoptimizer has a chance of exploring any code sequence while preferring the well-scored ones.

The mutations applied to the programs are as follows:

The superoptimiser works directly with the machine-code (in this case Turing ISA).

Correctness score is computed by executing a series of tests and adding a penalty for each test that the candidate returns a different value than the original program. That’s not enough to prove equivalence, though. If a candidate passes all tests and has a total score better than any program the superoptimiser has seen so far it asks an SMT solver (Z3 in this case) whether there exists a set of inputs for which the candidate and the original program return different values. If the answer is no, then the candidate is correct. If there is at least one such set, then it is added as a new test case, and the candidate score is reevaluated.

Performance is scored by estimating the latency of the code sequence so far a very simplified model is used that assumes single-dispatch in-order architecture, has no consideration on throughput limitations and no concepts of register bank conflicts. Those restrictions are not going to be a serious problem in this case, though.

Given the warp-level reduce code shown earlier the superoptimiser, after some time, outputs the following code sequence:

SHFL.DOWN r4, r3, 8
SHFL.DOWN r0, r3, 12
SHFL.DOWN r7, r3, 4
IADD3 r2, r255, r4, r3
IADD3 r5, r0, r7, r2
SHFL.DOWN r7, r5, 3
SHFL.DOWN r1, r5, 2
SHFL.DOWN r9, r5, 1
IADD3 r7, r5, r255, r7
IADD3 r7, r1, r7, r9

Well, we probably didn’t need to implement a superoptimiser to figure out that doing more concurrent shuffles and additions may help with latency, but it’s good to see that it can find such optimised code and agrees with our intuition. In C++ that snippet is going to look more or less like this:

auto v2 = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, val, 8);
auto v3 = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, val, 12);
auto v4 = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, val, 4);

auto v5 = fn(fn(v2, val), fn(v3, v4));

v2 = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, v5, 3);
v3 = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, v5, 2);
v4 = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, v5, 1);
val = fn(fn(v2, v3), fn(v5, v4));

This superoptimisation was, indeed, an optimisation:

Benchmark                                  Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_iota/33554432/real_time           72 us         72 us       8098
sum_i32_iota/67108864/real_time          127 us        126 us       5768
sum_i32_iota/268435456/real_time         447 us        446 us       1566
sum_i32_iota/536870912/real_time         917 us        916 us        763

It would be great if we could give the superoptimiser the whole kernel and get its optimal version in a reasonable amount of time, but that’s sadly not the case. The fact that the ISA and performance characteristics need to be reverse-engineered only makes things more difficult.

We are reaching the limits of how much a general reduce algorithm can be optimised. There are still some things that are worth trying. In particular, we can adjust ratios between block synchronisation barriers and lane shuffles and reduce operations. The cheaper reduce (and addition is very cheap) the more values can be processed in each step. As it turns out, I get the best results when there’s just a single warp per block, reducing elements of the range in steps of 32, 8, and 4:

tmp[tid] = val;
if (tid >= 32) { return; }
auto stride = 32;
T vals[32] = { };
for (auto i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
  vals[i] = tmp[tid + stride * i];
for (auto i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
  val = fn(val, vals[i]);

if (tid >= 32) { return; }

for (auto i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
  vals[i] = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, val, i*4);
for (auto i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
  val = fn(val, vals[i]);

for (auto i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
  vals[i] = __shfl_down_sync(0xffff'ffff, val, i);
for (auto i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
  val = fn(val, vals[i]);

That code gives us:

Benchmark                                  Time           CPU Iterations
sum_i32_iota/33554432/real_time           66 us         65 us       8071
sum_i32_iota/67108864/real_time          111 us        111 us       6316
sum_i32_iota/268435456/real_time         414 us        413 us       1690
sum_i32_iota/536870912/real_time         843 us        841 us        831


We have dealt with memory throughput, instruction latency, intra-block and intra-warp thread synchronisation. A lot of what we have done made sense only for the particular code that was optimised and won’t work well in general cases, but there are some patterns. The size of the values and the cost of binary operation can make a significant impact. Moreover, the fact that GPUs rely on high concurrency to hide latency is making things more complicated (or interesting, or both) in case of operations like reduce. A generic implementation needs to navigate all those problems and decide between ease of use, the flexibility it provides, and how performant it can be compared to a custom solution.

One thing is sure. We won’t be seeing superoptimising complete programs anytime soon.

  1. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 ↩︎